Tourism, migration and gender in the context of climate change
The case of the Merzouga oasis (Morocco)
DOI: chiave:
climate change, gender, Merzouga, migration, tourismAbstract
Tourism, emigration and climate change are three elements that are inter-related in the context of the Merzouga region, oasis located in the south-east of Morocco. This area is seriously affected by drought, rising temperatures, and lack of water. This situation has caused serious losses in agriculture. Ant it has led the population - previously nomadic - to abandon livestock farming and take refuge in tourism as an economic alternative as well as emigration. All of this happens in a society where there are strong gender inequalities. In this paper, we try to demonstrate how these three phenomena feed off each other. To do this, a qualitative approach was used by doing fieldwork in the region while adopting a gender perspective.
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