Call for Papers - REMHU, volume 32, 2024 (rolling pass)
DOSSIER 1 (2025): "Entrepreneurship and self-employment initiatives by migrants". Deadline for submission of articles: 01.11.2024 - 30.06.2025.
DOSSIER 2 (2025): "New Brazilian diasporas" (Igor José de Renó Machado and Alexandre Branco-Pereira, guest editors). Deadline for submission of articles: 01.11.2024 - 30.06.2025.
DOSSIER 3 (2025): "Migration Research: Logics, Practices, and Methodologies between Tradition and Transformation" (Maria Catarina Chitolina Zanini, Yolanda López García, Asmara González Rojas, guest editors). Deadline for submission of articles: 01.12.2024 - 31.07.2025.
DOSSIER 1 (2025): "Entrepreneurship and self-employment initiatives by migrants". Deadline for submission of articles: 01.11.2024 - 30.06.2025.
The vast majority of migrant people, regardless of the reason for migration or the visa they (do not) hold, face the challenge of entering the labor market. Nowadays, the number of those migrating for economic reasons, to improve their wages or ensure a dignified life for their families through remittances, remains significant. Furthermore, even among those who migrate for other reasons – such as refuge or family reunification, for example – there is always a significant segment that will need to enter the labor market.
The literature on this topic has primarily focused on the supposed potential of remittances, the consequences of the departure/arrival of workers and/or immigrants in terms of the development of the countries involved, underemployment, exploitation, precariousness, and even the enslavement of migrant workers, as well as the obstacles hindering access to decent work and social mobility, with considerations of gender, race, education level, nationality, migration status, and age (second and third generations).
The REMHU dossier is particularly interested in focusing on the entrepreneurship and self-sufficiency initiatives of migrant workers. We aim to critically reflect on how, despite discrimination, vulnerability, and other structural disadvantages, migrant individuals, groups, and collectives can mobilize ethnic networks, transnational contacts, and ancestral knowledge, as well as the solidarity of organized local civil society, to develop dynamics of economic overcoming, generating a positive impact not only for their lives but also for both host and origin countries. These entrepreneurial and self-employment initiatives are not free from risks and conflicts (for example, the ethnicization of labor, precariousness, and internal discrimination), but they also have the potential to highlight the agency and capabilities of migrant people.
Some Topics
- Entrepreneurial initiatives of migrants
- Self-employment initiatives of migrants workers
- Informal work of migrant people: potentials and risks
- Ethnicization of migrant labor: potential and risks
- Entrepreneurial initiatives of migrants and transnationalism
- Migrant collectives and organized civil society in supporting entrepreneurship and self-employment initiatives of migrant workers
- Ethnic networks and entrepreneurial initiatives of migrants
DOSSIER 2 (2025): "New Brazilian diasporas" (Igor José de Renó Machado and Alexandre Branco-Pereira, guest editors). Deadline for submission of articles: 01.11.2024 - 30.06.2025.
New Brazilian Diasporas
Brazil is a country shaped by multiple migratory regimes, and emigration has been one of them since the 1980s. However, something shifted in the mid-2010s. While data on Brazilian emigration remains somewhat fragmented, it points to a striking figure: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs estimates that, by 2022, approximately 4.5 million Brazilians had left the country. This represents around 2% of the Brazilian population. Yet these numbers do not fully capture the transformation that began around 2015 and 2016: a sharp rise in Brazilian emigration. For instance, Portugal, which has published data up to 2023, has seen an astonishing 480% increase in Brazilian immigration compared to 2016.
If Brazilian emigration can now be regarded as the most significant migratory regime in contemporary Brazil—surpassing even the arrival of immigrants and refugees—scientific knowledge has yet to match its importance. There is relatively little academic output addressing what could be termed the "new Brazilian diasporas." This dossier seeks to bring together studies focusing on the recent experiences of Brazilian emigration, in both traditional and emerging destinations. Its goal is to stimulate critical reflection on this phase of Brazil’s emigration history and to encourage new research on the contemporary Brazilian diaspora.
DOSSIER 3 (2025): "Migration Research: Logics, Practices, and Methodologies between Tradition and Transformation" (Maria Catarina Chitolina Zanini, Yolanda López García, Asmara González Rojas, guest editors). Deadline for submission of articles: 01.12.2024 - 31.07.2025.
Description: This proposal aims to reflect on migration studies' contemporary dynamics and histories in their academic and activist practices in knowledge production in these universes. It seeks to aggregate studies that contribute to our thinking on issues relevant to research practices, their modalities, publication, feedback, collaborative processes, and activism.
One of the issues that prompted us to organize this dossier, since migration studies are interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary, was the relevance of discussing the limits and openings of our methodological, theoretical, and feedback choices in knowledge production, both for interlocutors and for society as a whole. After all, to what extent can we or cannot, in a dialogue between different areas of knowledge, propose broad criteria of scientific objectivity or questions about scientificity or activism? Or even question the various forms of writing and formatting of studies. The aim is also to include studies that reflect on the ethical issues involved in producing knowledge about migrations and that present proposals for “ethical care” that encompass the different Human Sciences. Another important perspective of this dossier is to disseminate research that works with the collaborative proposal and presents negotiated forms of feedback to the groups studied and studies produced and published collectively.
Submission topics:
- Collaborative, participative research and activism in migration
- Ethics in research on migration
- Methodologies of research on migrations (qualitative and quantitative studies)
- Agencies in the production of knowledge about migrations
- Meta-analytical perspective on migration research.