The third way. Humanitarian corridors in peacetime as a (local) civil society response to a EU’s common failure




Humanitarian Corridor, Migration, Refugees, Innovative practice


Migration has been and will continue to be one of the key issues for Europe in the coming decades. Fundamental developments such as economy, climate change, globalization of transport and communication, war and instability in the neighbouring regions, are all factors that continue to drive people to come to Europe, in search of shelter and a better life or to reunite with their families. In recent years, vulnerability of forced migrants has been exacerbated by worsening conflicts in their home country, which make repatriation less and less a viable option, and by mounting intolerance within local communities. A growing number of potential refugees attempts to escape transit countries to reach the European Union by embarking in dangerous journeys to cross the Mediterranean Sea and illegally enter the European Union. Within the European Union resettlement represents a 'durable solution' for vulnerable forced migrants alongside local integration and voluntary repatriation, a protection tool for potential people whose lives and liberty are at risk. In Italy, a group of institutions from civil society and the Italian Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of Interior signed a Protocol of Agreement for the establishment of Humanitarian Corridors to ensure the legal and safe resettlement of asylum seekers. Our article will show how these Humanitarian Corridors proved to be a successful multi-stakeholder engagement to support safe and legal pathways to protection as well as durable solutions for third country nationals in need of protection.

Biografia do Autor

  • Pedro Gois, Faculdade de Economia Universidade de Coimbra

    Pedro Góis, Sociólogo (Universidade de Coimbra, 1996), Mestre em Sociologia (Universidade de Coimbra, 2003) e Doutor em Sociologia (Sociologia da Cultura, do Conhecimento e da Comunicação) (Universidade de Coimbra, 2011). É actualmente Professor na Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra. Foi até 2015 docente na Universidade do Porto onde leccionou disciplinas das áreas de Sociologia, Metodologias de Investigação e Comunicação. É investigador do Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra - Laboratório Associado onde tem investigado na área das Migrações Internacionais, Nos últimos anos tem sido consultor de várias agências e instituições nacionais e internacionais na área das migrações. Tem vários livros e numerosos artigos publicados sobre emigração e imigração em Portugal e/ou na Europa, sobre emigração cabo-verdiana, ucraniana ou emigração brasileira.

  • Giulia Falchi, University of Padua

    Giulia Falchi graduated at the University of Trieste in “International and Diplomacy sciences” on 2015 and she is getting her Master degree at the University of Pavia in “Political economy and International institutions” after spending 3 months in Senegal for her thesis research. She has always been interesting in migration issues and in particular about the situation of asylum seekers in Italy. She has done several voluntary works (organizing social activity and Italian language course) in asylum seekers camps and she is currently doing an internship at “Conselho Portugues por Refugiados” in Lisbon.




Como Citar

Gois, P., & Falchi, G. (2018). The third way. Humanitarian corridors in peacetime as a (local) civil society response to a EU’s common failure. REMHU, Revista Interdisciplinar Da Mobilidade Humana, 25(51), 59-75.

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